ASIAGAP's Farm Management

Example of Farm Management

Farm Management

Determination of farm policies and their dissemination

Implementation of farm policy is the important points the members of a farm to ensure that operation is carried out for the same purpose and with the same direction.

Farm Organizational Structure

It aims to clarify the organizational structure, necessary resources and the responsible persons who have each authority at a farm.

Reference Material: Farm Map and Risk Assessment

It is required to create a farm map or facility map. This map will be a base for farm management and it is necessary to identify hazards in the neighbor environment.

Management Review

At least once a year, top management need to review the ASIAGAP implementation results and instruct corrective actions to be made.
For this reason, farms are continually improved and the management status required by ASIAGAP can be maintained.

Reference Material: List of Manager Review

Keeping Things in Order

Keeping things tidy and in order leads to hygienic management and efficient work.

A storehouse maintained in good order
(Original: Hokkaido Kamikawa Agricultural Extension Center)